『pokécito』 despacito pokémon parody (feat. eric h) - thepopushi lyrics
oh hondoom… bronzor
spheal chimecho forretress darmanitan gallade
tepig kingler lugia baltoy (sableye!)
venasaur carvanah cryogonal roserade
mamoswine cubone linoone purrloin
gloom geodude elekid vaporeon metang
metapod seviper sh-llos kangaskhan
solosis musharna kyurem sudowoodo (oh yeah)
sawk sawsbuck escalivalier drifloon yanma
totodile sewaddle vespiquen yamask
victreebel torterra scolipede kabuto
weedle lunatone charmander jynx dodrio
steelix oshawott empoleon audino
diglett wishiwashi hitmontop latios
cherrim ferroseed carracosta seel popplio
finneon pachirisu oricorio
klink anorith tyranitar gligar cinccino
(zubat zubat zubat zubat zubat)
claydol aerodactyl tyrunt beautifly litleo
cof-grigus hippopotas
trubbish litwick nihilego (nihilego raikou flabebe)
delibird swalot p-wniard teddiursa dugtrio
haunter porygon sharpedo
galvantula ralts sealeo
seaking murkrow weepinbell tynamo
cacturne happiny jangmo-o
meganium hakamo-o
alomomola kommo-o
spiritomb feraligatr tapu lele bronzong
spinarak electivire tapu fini dewgong
vibrava stufful binacle armaldo skiddo starmie
deino ditto doduo duosion turtonator mudbray
pikachu shedinja diggersby keldeo luxray
mewtwo braixen togedemaru walrein
politoed politoed swablu swablu seedot
numel axew raichu minccino minccino
corsola tangela furret meloetta
zweilous makuhita wobbuffet larvesta
politoed politoed swablu swablu seedot
numel axew raichu minccino minccino
kakuna emolga goomy volcarona
ponyta clefable lairon roggenrola
weedle lunatone charmander jynx dodrio
steelix oshawott empoleon audino
diglett wishiwashi hitmontop latios
cherrim ferroseed carracosta seel popplio
finneon pachirisu oricorio
klink anorith tyranitar gligar cinccino
(swoobat swoobat swoobat swoobat swoobat)
claydol aerodactyl tyrunt beautifly litleo
cof-grigus hippopotas
trubbish litwick nihilego (nihilego raikou flabebe)
delibird swalot p-wniard teddiursa dugtrio
haunter porygon sharpedo
galvantula ralts sealeo
masquerain nincada fearow victini throh
hariyama articuno solgaleo
parasect altaria mareep luxio
politoed politoed swablu swablu seedot
numel axew raichu minccino minccino
cof-grigus hippopotas
trubbish litwick nihilego
politoed politoed swablu swablu seedot
numel axew raichu minccino minccino
haunter porygon sharpedo
galvantula ralts sealeo
dewott treecko
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