song for new amsterdam - the campaign for real time lyrics
in the best interest of full disclosure
we should not bemoan the fact that
you’re either gonna get juked or nixed or crept
one out of the three
and there are gonna be those who dance and say that we deserved it
that’s when i’m gonna say
let them other 40 million people out there get famous
me, i’d rather stay nameless
leave my rеmnants in folded*up love lettеrs
shove ’em under wobbly coffee tables
let them discern!
well you’ll be stuck in a heldover pattern
you’ll be looking for hidden messages
throughout the chinese restaurant takeout menus
let them par*tay!
see, i’ve never felt so far away
when i’m struggling to think over the din of screaming headlines
in my eyes
let them suture!
got no past and i got no future
but here i am, i’m reminiscing
and i’m pouring pints with my newfound friends over yesterdays
so let them buy mine!
[background: i wanna take you on, here we go]
when i’m in a […]
they’re gonna buy me a gin and tonic
while i make sure i get myself a movie cel with closing credits
let them renege!
you’ll be holding back tears every time you walk through two beams of light
knowing full well what you saw that day
let them confide!
every time you walk around ghost towns
you can search for redemption
but settle for cell phone reception
let them devise!
cute sloganeering while i say
hey, maybe inevitability ain’t such a bad thing after all
at least for now
let them decry!
grokking fine, feeling high in the off*time
between well*known birthdays of well*known assassins
let them dethrone!
everybody knows that it’s all well known that
those who will be born in ’46 are gonna die in ’64
let them defy!
i’ll throw the outcome of curling contests
then write editorials of what i did to hide the dollars and cents
let them connive!
contemplate the gravitas of having the coffee cup handle
facing to the left or facing to the right
let them relive!
you could spend a whole afternoon patching up a sieve
while i just recast it as miniature aztec artifacts
let them remind!
retract the flags to half*mast
in memory of the untimely death of the creator of the impala
let them design!
a surefire retrofit of an unmodernizable city
i dare you to try and gerrymander its watery borders
let them divide!
you wanna try to tell me that the weather’s just fine
the day after the next easter
and the easter after that
and the easter after that
let me resign myself to the fact that this is how it’s gonna end
and if i have to wait until next tuesday
then by god, monday cannot come soon enough
so just sh*llac the directions on the nearest telephone pole
cuz maybe maybe maybe
i should have faked my own death
don’t you realize that right now
that the dusk is the new night?
ennui is the new fight?
collapse is the new […]?
exile is the new site?
unsure is the new quite
anger’s the new polite
and through it all, f*ck you is still f*ck you
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