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friends will turn there back on you - natalie marie howell lyrics


friends will turn there back on you
never work for a friend no matter
how close they are to you case you
will regret it i did i babby sat for

here 3 daughters it was a nightmare
and i never got paid for it and when
she did pay me she only paid me for

the 1st time so trust me when i say
friends will turn there back on you
friends will turn there back on you

they will walk out on you and hurt
you deeply not knowing it the 2nd
time i had to watch here 3

daughters i went home with a major
headach thinking it would be ok
case sh-ll pay me back soon and

yet she never paid me like she said
she would thats when i began to
loose all trust for anyone and

everyone becase friends will turn
there back on you friends will turn
there back on you friends will turn

there back on you no matter who
you are or where you go some point
in time friends will turn there back

on you and than what would you
still trust them i dont now i have
a major probblem trusting people

all becase of what happend to me
friends will turn there back on
you friends will turn there back on

you this song was written
by natalie marie howell
age 17 typed by natalie

marie howell age 18

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