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james armistead - marvyn, mauricio, leo, angela, manuel lyrics


-intro music

the battle of yorktown


mauricio/george washington:

benedict arnold
that b-st-rd plastered
our master plans
to the bl–dy brits
the traitor, that hater
the plan of action deflator
just wait until i get my hands
on that son of a b—-

random people:

mauricio/george washington:
i’ll get him on a later date
in the meanwhile
what is marquis doing as of late?

richmond virginia


get together men, good lord
we need more informa- tion for
our new nation, in or-
der to be stationed

-door knock

random person:
general lafayette, sir

what is it?

random person:
someone wants to join, sir

mauricio/lafayette: bring him in

who are you my friend
and what the h-ll you lend

the name is james

last name?

james: armistead

and what’s your cred?

i’m invisible

-seconds of silence

mauricio/lafayette: what?

let me explain mr. lafayette
i’m a useful unit you won’t regret
i’m a black man, and whites are blind i bet
all because they ain’t got an eye to set

on a black man, a negro like me
they can not see, invisibility

invisibility, invisibility?
you, sir, peaked my curiosity

few hours later

i’ve been hired as spy, yipee!

now, don’t get too excited, you see?
cause what you’re gonna do is risky
not all of life is a gl-ss of whiskey

before i go to the british territory
i want to tell you about my short story

well of course, is it one of glory?

no, not really. i’m truly sorry

i was born as a slave afro american
but at least i’m not treated like the rest of them
i don’t know my parents or where they bl–dy went
but i think i’ll be able to see them once i’m dead

my master isn’t half bad as they hear
he was kind enough to send me here
i’ve always wondered what my purpose was
but serving for america is my one true cause

i’ll see you later general lafayette

audience: benedict arnold headquarters

i managed to make it inside
i’ve got the lead
posed as a runaway slave
wish me godspeed

marvyn/benedict arnold:
ho ho ho, poor washington
good ol britain is back in the big throne
america’s trying tickles my funny bone
this is something i surely won’t bemone

random person:
benedict arnold, sir

marvyn/benedict arnold:
yes what is it?

random person:
there’s someone that wants to join us, sir

marvyn/benedict arnold:
bring him in
who are you negro
and what do you bestow?

marvyn/benedict arnold:
how well ya know this land?

like the back of my hand

marvyn/benedict arnold:
then you will serve me as my guide

i shan’t even deny

one week later
at general cornwallis encampment

ho ho ho
foolish washington
thinks that we’re at new york
we’re heading to yorktown

here you go, sir

hmm… i do say, what is your name?

…my name is james

i want to talk to you about something
i wanna talk to you about spying

oh sh-t, i think he discovered me
is this where i’ll end up dying?

two weeks later
at richmond virginia

random person:
general lafayette! general lafayette!
the negro is back, it’s james armistead

james armistead? james armistead?
god i am happy that he is not dead!

mauricio/ james:
he knows that i’m a spy, he knows that i’m a spy
sir, cornwallis knows that i’m a spy

knows that you’re a spy, knows that you’re spy?
then how the h-ll are you still alive?

i am a spy for cornwallis
i’m a double spy, he did not expect this


this is brilliant james
you can freely go back and forth
for more information
now and henceforth
and you will look normal
when you come through their door
so we can be stationed
and end this big war

few minutes later

that’s everything i know from their big plans
but it’s all in the bag for the americans
we got the idea to surround them
and hopefully they’ll surrender with their weak defense

mauricio/james armistead:
little does cornwallis know
we’ll have the french along to go
and before he knows it, he’ll have nowhere to run
eat, sleep, drink, he’ll be done

if he had known i was a spy all along
perhaps in the end, he could’ve won
but alas in the end, the war is ours
now we possess all the manpower

we headed to yorktown and attacked the brits
oh it took days, but we didn’t quit
blasting shots, boom boom boom
they surrendered, whoo whoo whoo!

few minutes later

mauricio/james armistead:
excuse me your excellency
what will happen to me

mauricio/george washington:
well isn’t that obvious
you’re going back to your slavery

mauricio/james armistead:
i see, alright
i cannot fight
but lafayette told me to join him
is that alright?

(yeah he said)
i will help you james armistead
this is my deed
you will be freed

mauricio/james armistead:
and when i am
don’t you forget
i’ll call myself
james lafayette

[end credits]

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