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a song from under the floorboards - magazine (uk) lyrics


i am angry i am ill and i’m as ugly as sin
my irritability keeps me alive and kicking
i know the meaning of life, it doesn’t help me a bit
i know beauty and i know a good thing when i see it

this is a song from under the floorboards
this is a song from where the wall is cracked
my force of habit, i am an insect
i have to confess i’m proud as h*ll of that fact

i know the highest and the best
i accord them all due respect
but the brightest jewel inside of me
glows with pleasure at my own stupidity

this is a song

i used to make phantoms i could later chase
images of all that could be desired
then i got tired of counting all of these blessings
and then i just got tired

this is a song
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