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Comprehensive collection of KASHTANKA lyrics: на юности остановите stop at youth, вечеру нет конца ii there is no end to the evening ii, вечное лето cover eternal summer cover, улетай fly away, что не от сердца what is not from the heart, and more.

  1. что не от сердца (what is not from the heart) – kashtanka lyrics
  2. пока бесконечный (while infinite) – kashtanka lyrics
  3. своими руками (with your own hands) – kashtanka lyrics
  4. на юности остановите! (stop at youth!) – kashtanka lyrics
  5. красота внутри (the beauty inside) – kashtanka lyrics
  6. взаимность (reciprocity) – kashtanka lyrics
  7. кошмары (nightmares) – kashtanka lyrics
  8. вечеру нет конца (ii) (there is no end to the evening (ii)) – kashtanka lyrics
  9. живи (live) – kashtanka lyrics
  10. о двух городах (about two cities) – kashtanka lyrics
  11. медленно и внутривенно (slowly and intravenously) – kashtanka lyrics
  12. проснуться (awake) – kashtanka lyrics
  13. ошибки (mistakes) – kashtanka lyrics
  14. улетай (fly away) – kashtanka lyrics
  15. не покидай меня (don’t leave me) – kashtanka lyrics
  16. и сердцем не старей (and don ‘t get old with your heart) – kashtanka lyrics
  17. вечное лето (cover) (eternal summer (cover)) – kashtanka lyrics
  18. тишину разорвать (break the silence) – kashtanka lyrics

Last update: Thu, 05 Dec 2024 06:14:25 +0000

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