crack rap (intro) - chronic (oz) lyrics
[spoken sample]
well, this one particular guy i knew, his name was banana
he was moving drugs, few ounces here and there
so i approached him, i said “i wanna become a part of this, can you hook me up in some type of way? and y’know, i’ll pay you back as quick as i can”
he was like “cool” you know what i’m saying, “you my n*gga, so i’ll hook you up and you just come and f*ck with me from now on”
the first ounce that i received on consignment from banana, i actually didn’t know what to do with it
banana had to instruct me on how to properly construct powder cocaine into crack cocaine
it’s basically an artform not everyone can do
through practice, i would say i became the michael jordan of crack cookers
what you do, you get the powder cocaine and you put baking soda on the powder cocaine
you put it in a glass coffee pot, you put water in the coffee pot
then you put it on a stove
and in about five minutes or so, the powder cocaine turns into a yellow gel*like liquid
from there, you remove it from the flame, you throw a few ice cubes to reduce the heat
and at the same time, you constantly rotate the coffee pot in a counter*clockwise motion
you throw in a few more ice cubes and you reduce the heat even further
by now, the rock is forming
you put it under the faucet, you add cold water to completely harden that rock
once it’s hardened, you take it out of the coffee pot, you put it on a plate and you take a large knife or a meat cleaver or what*have*you
and you break it down
to $10 pieces, $20 pieces
enter, crack cocaine
crack has become america’s drug of choice
i’m beaming up to the enterprise
i mean everything was just an open air drug market
you know, no pistols or none of that
you know, just selling rocks of cocaine
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