transition - captainbase lyrics
transition lyric
verse 1
ye ee ye
eeeeyeeeh eeeeyeeee
when i see yttriumy, zirconiumzr follows
niobiumnb, molybdenummo, technetiumtc ye e…
rutheniumru, rhodiumrh, 46palladiumpd
silverag, cadmiumcd
all… silverag, cadmiumcd
chr… typically (2x)
transition metals have
an incompletely filled d*orbital eeeyeeee…
and the last electrons enter the
(n*1) d*orbital
verse 2
57 – 80 listen up now
from lanthanumla to mercuryhg which is 80
me seeing lanthanumla, hafniumhf
tantalumta, 74tungstenw, 75rheniumre
all…tantalumta, tungstenw, rheniumre
osmiumos, iridiumir which is 77
platinumpt, goldau, mercuryhg is 80
chr… typically (2x)
transition metals have
an incompletely filled d*orbital eeeyeeee…
and thе last electrons entеr the
(n*1) d*orbital
let me tell you this
89 (all… actiniumac)
104 (rutherfordiumrf…all… rutherfordiumrf
dubniumdb, seaborgiumsg …
solo…107 bohriumbh, 108 hassiumhs
all…107 bohriumbh, 108 hassiumhs
zinc group which is group 12
shows some differences
‘cos of the complete d10 configuration
109 meitneriummt, 110 darmstadtiumds
roentgeniumrg, coperniciumcn
chr… typically (2x)
transition metals have
an incompletely filled d*orbital eeeyeeee…
and the last electrons enter the
(n*1) d*orbital
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