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excalibur - arcane existence lyrics


the holy grail descended from the heavens
brought to this land for the one chosen by the gods
bringing light to this fortunate province
with great magic and immortality

forged from this holy grail, excalibur is designed
i shall rip this great power
and die beside the one i love
with the flame of prometheus

split in two, excalibur is nothing
with the darkness tethered
this dagger shall control him
with the remains left behind

forever tethered to this dagger

forged from this holy grail, excalibur is designed
i shall rip this great power
and die beside the one i love
with the flame of prometheus

with the new dark one born
and excalibur in their grasp
we may bear witness to the most powerful
dark one

the choice is theirs
to destroy the darkness
or to destroy the light
a power far too great

the ultimate freedom
to use my power as my own
no one to stop me
no one to control me

you can finally do as you please
all that you have sacrificed to get here
it can all finally end

darkness can finally be destroyed
dark ones are gone
gone, gone

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